From somebody's trash to my treasure. I like to re-style & re-create what was once a cast off. Isn't that what Jesus does with us?

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Summer Rites

Hello Friends --
We have officially kicked off the sunny days of my favorite season: SUMMER!
 Every start to the summer is the same glorious celebration. A trip to Knoebels Grove Amusement Park in Elysburg, PA. It's an old fashioned park full of adventure and dare-devil rides. It's always a fun hangout spot for the cousins to meet up and share the thrills of the day, rain or shine! 
 This year the rain pelted the ground for a solid 30 minutes. After that the safety of the pavillion was abandoned for more rides. Sun or rain can't keep us away! 
And on the lazier days of summer I find myself relaxing here.
We are so grateful to my brother. We have declared his house our official vacation spot for the summer. HA! He and his wife welcome us to their house on a regular basis to take advantage of their pool and hot tub. And we do! 
 I think we are more than they are! Thank you Tony and Angie!!
I hope you are kicking off a great start to your summer! 

I'll be back later with pictures of our new patio and some vintage eye candy!


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