From somebody's trash to my treasure. I like to re-style & re-create what was once a cast off. Isn't that what Jesus does with us?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Have you heard that little song that goes, "C.O.F.F.E.E. Why in the World Do We Drink Cof-fee?" It's a fun little ditty that my girls love to sing over and over. In light of hostessing at our upcoming Women's Night Out, "Brewed Awakenings", my sister and I have "hit the road" with our two little cohorts in crime (aka my 4&5 year olds) and are visiting all the coffee shops in our area.
I don't let me girls drink coffee, but they think they are big stuff going to these coffee shops and hanging out with Aunt "TuTu" as they affectionately dubbed my sister Tina.

My oldest took along a pink lint ball from our dryer and and my silly sister used it as a wig on her finger and drew a face. We were cracking up so loud, I think we livened the place up!


  1. Oh boy, I have a 4-year old so I can imagine how your day was. I have NEVER had a cup of coffee...can you believe it?

