From somebody's trash to my treasure. I like to re-style & re-create what was once a cast off. Isn't that what Jesus does with us?

Friday, December 11, 2015

 Welcome to our little cottage in the suburbs of Central Pennsylvania. We've settled in for some almost nine years now and kinda like it here.

Actually this is the first year I really feel like most of my rooms are coming together. I find I do my best decorating over time. Not in one big shopping trip. Although I am as impatient as people come, I really enjoy the process of my house coming together over years of hunting and digging and finding just the right treasure. 
How about you? 
A couple years ago I fell in love with this metallic tree. I couldn't find what I wanted at the right price so I bought some Krylon spray paint and made my own. I love how this little tree shines on my old - fashioned desk. Right now my computer sits here. But in the future I would love to find an antique typewriter to take its spot. Just for decoration, of course! HA! 

Then last year I was shopping at IKEA with one of my Besties and saw this faux sheepskin. L.O.V.E. how it looks at Christmas time especially.  

This year we decided to put our large living tree in the sun room. But I was missing one in the living room as well. Out came my old-fashioned wash tub and a sweet little fir from the local market. They were made for each other. (sigh) 
Of course I have a tree in almost every room.
My good man hung my round chandelier just weeks ago. It looks so good in the space.

I hope this Christmas season is finding you rested and happy. My prayer is that you really enjoy the days leading up to Christ's birth just as much as you do on the 25th! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Christmas Present No. 2

Oh dear Friends --

I am just about bustin' out with this one!

For yearrrrrrrrrrrs I have been drooling over lockers in people's mud rooms. Wishing to have one or two for my own space. I even came so close to buying two turquoise ones at a consignment shop a couple years ago and passed them by because of the hefty price tag. Ouch!
Then on Thanksgiving a friend said her school was installing all new lockers. I made a casual comment that I have been wanting some for ever and her reply was, "Then come get them!" I'm still reliving the whole thing.
Her principal was even so nice to help me load HOWEVER MANY I WANTED into the back of my husband's Ford truck. His comment was, "It looks like these were made to fit the truck bed." Yes, indeed they were.           Woohooooooo!! 
 Right now I am admiring them just as they are. But come the first of the year, the paint will be out and they will be getting a little makeover. My girls are thrilled too. Already Rachel has hers filled with coats and boots and books. 
 Check back with me in the months to come to see how they turn out. They are going to be sweet! 

Christmas Blessings,

Sunday, November 29, 2015

God Jul!

Happy Holidays, my friends!

We have not been experiencing our typical Thanksgiving/Christmas weather here -- it's usually much colder and we are in full winter gear. But not this year!! And I am so thankful! 
It made for nice weather as we went Sunday after church and picked out our Christmas tree.
And of course I love capturing all the pictures!

We are clowns. Every one of us. My girls ran among the trees chasing each other while my husband flexed his muscles and prepared to show off as he cut down our tree.
Happy Holiday Preparation friends! I'll be back with some more Christmas pictures and a find that I am hugely grateful for. Can't wait for you to see it. AND IT WAS FREE!
Christmas Blessings!


Monday, November 9, 2015

The First Gift

Happy Fall, Ya'll!  
I've been wanting to say that. Hee hee  
My house is so full of warm, apple fragrances. We were so blessed to go apple gleaning last weekend with our church Sunday School class. It was a blast. We could pick all the fuji's from the ground we wanted for as long as we could. My family and I went for about three hours and goodness knows how many apples we got!  
PLENTY!  With lots to share!

  My neighbor is so funny. We invited him over after our first gleaning session a couple years ago and now every year he looks forward to us giving him bags of apples. He makes apple pie filling and cans it. I haven't tried that yet. My specialty is apple dumplings and apple sauce. It all goes very quickly here! What's your favorite apple treat?
My husband loves home made apple pies with crumb toppings. I must say I am getting better with my crusts the more I try them. Dough and I just do not get along! HA!
Speaking of Fall, you know Thanksgiving is just around the corner!
Love all that yummy baked turkey and gravy and mashed potatoes. Oh Yum!! Do you have Thanksgiving at your house or somewhere else? I love hearing about people's Thankgsgiving traditions. We usually take a hike after the meal.

And of course after Thanksgiving is Christmas!
Like how I worked that in so smooth-like? hee hee  
Not to brag or anything (hee hee) but I already got my first gift of the season! Do you see it up there in that picture? 
The galvanized cup and saucer stand was at a local antique mall and I spotted it and instantly loved it. 
My sister surprised me by offering to pitch in over  half the cost for my Christmas gift. 
I was so thrilled. I've been moving it all over the dining room and kitchen. First on my blue dresser called "Cecelia" and then to the kitchen counter. Finally its landed on my buffet in the dining room. 
For how long though, I don't know. Once I find the perfect spot, then it will stay.  
But not until then. (smile)

No worries, though. I won't leave you hanging. (bigger smile) 
Enjoy the season! 

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Really Enjoying Fall

Hello Dear Friends --
So glad you stopped by! I don't tell you that enough, I know. Welcome! 
I have really been enjoying Central PA's Autumn weather. Today it was in the high 40's with bright, welcoming sun. I ran out into it like a kid. 
Wonderful, Wonderful sunshine! It's good for the soul!
I love bringing branches of Autumn's golds, reds and yellows into the house. Have you been decorating for the Fall season?

My sister treated my husband and I to a night out. She took the girls for a slumber party and I haven't seen them yet. Every mom needs that refreshing break from time to time. Thanks Tina!
We had so much fun taking a night hike on the Appalachian Trail and eating appetizers at Chili's. YUM!
We always pray that we'll see some wildlife on our night hikes! (Yes, we've taken them many times. Weekly in fact) While my husband it praying out loud to see some wildlife -- ANY -- wildlife, I'm praying silently, no bears please!! HA.  He doesn't know that about me. Please don't tell him. HA!
Last night we saw a young racoon climbing a tree. While we shined our flashlights on him, he stopped for a good five minutes and peaked around the tree trunk to watch us. He was absolutely adorable!
He reminded us both of a little koala bear. 

So I guess the world is gearing up for the approaching holidays. In my free time I ran out to TJ MAXX this afternoon and it was CROWDED! Really crowded!  I am not ready for filled parking lots, and crowded stores. I'm still enjoying this warm Fall, people!

Hope this Fall season finds you hopeful and cozy by a fire!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Still Savoring Summer

Hello Friends --

We just returned from a fun week at the beach. I'm still in summer mode and hanging on to every ray of sunshine I can.
I'll have some Fall decorating pictures for you as soon as I can bring myself to start decorating. It might be awhile. HA!
Enjoy your last hours of Summer!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Hello Friends --
I was blessed when I walked out into our sun room and saw how the sun was shining so boldly on our butterfly bush! It cast such a magnificent picture onto our curtain panel. His mercies are new every day! If I were in the habit of writing down blessings, this would be one of those. In fact, I just  might start that back up again!
Talking about starting back up ..... We are now full time in the throws of a new school year. We have set some fresh goals and my daughters have been coming to the table without complaint or argument. That is so refreshing for this mama/teacher!! I really appreciate that.

We've been in the business of making our own greeting cards. The girls had a birthday party to go to Saturday so they each created their own masterpiece. They were both very creative with themes of butterflys and gardens. Summer is not over yet!
Enjoy the rest of your summer days, my friends! We are trying to soak up the sun as much as possible.
I have some projects I am working on that I'll be sharing in coming posts!


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Summer Crafting

Hello Friends!
Somewhere in the midst of this beautiful summer time I found myself down in my crafting studio. Usually I go there as the cooler air brings Fall. But this time I think I retreated because of some days of intense, moist heat.
I was lucky enough to find a baby's crib sitting along the road for trash. I was so excited to put the spring of it to good use. I'm just loving how it looks above my work table!
Over time I've enjoyed creating journal books from cardboard, old books and paper bags. The one attached here is one of my favorites.
I've also been saving some jars from the grocery store (olives, jelly and so on) and painting their lids. They have such cute shapes and now with their cute lids and contents, I'm just smitten with the overall look.
I'm just loving this cute coaster I made out of popsicle sticks. Doesn't it look just like those palattes we see everywhere?

There's more to come on the crafting scene. But for now I want to leave you with this cool saying I just came across by  Ralph Waldo Emerson.

                      Live in the Sunshine
                      Swim the sea,
                      Drink the wild air.

Enjoy August,