From somebody's trash to my treasure. I like to re-style & re-create what was once a cast off. Isn't that what Jesus does with us?

Monday, August 17, 2015

Hello Friends --
I was blessed when I walked out into our sun room and saw how the sun was shining so boldly on our butterfly bush! It cast such a magnificent picture onto our curtain panel. His mercies are new every day! If I were in the habit of writing down blessings, this would be one of those. In fact, I just  might start that back up again!
Talking about starting back up ..... We are now full time in the throws of a new school year. We have set some fresh goals and my daughters have been coming to the table without complaint or argument. That is so refreshing for this mama/teacher!! I really appreciate that.

We've been in the business of making our own greeting cards. The girls had a birthday party to go to Saturday so they each created their own masterpiece. They were both very creative with themes of butterflys and gardens. Summer is not over yet!
Enjoy the rest of your summer days, my friends! We are trying to soak up the sun as much as possible.
I have some projects I am working on that I'll be sharing in coming posts!


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Summer Crafting

Hello Friends!
Somewhere in the midst of this beautiful summer time I found myself down in my crafting studio. Usually I go there as the cooler air brings Fall. But this time I think I retreated because of some days of intense, moist heat.
I was lucky enough to find a baby's crib sitting along the road for trash. I was so excited to put the spring of it to good use. I'm just loving how it looks above my work table!
Over time I've enjoyed creating journal books from cardboard, old books and paper bags. The one attached here is one of my favorites.
I've also been saving some jars from the grocery store (olives, jelly and so on) and painting their lids. They have such cute shapes and now with their cute lids and contents, I'm just smitten with the overall look.
I'm just loving this cute coaster I made out of popsicle sticks. Doesn't it look just like those palattes we see everywhere?

There's more to come on the crafting scene. But for now I want to leave you with this cool saying I just came across by  Ralph Waldo Emerson.

                      Live in the Sunshine
                      Swim the sea,
                      Drink the wild air.

Enjoy August,