From somebody's trash to my treasure. I like to re-style & re-create what was once a cast off. Isn't that what Jesus does with us?

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Hello Dear Friends --
How are you?
One of my favorite places to hang out is our local book store. They have a cozy cafe, which always seems full, and lots of decorating magazines and books to linger over for free!
I usually keep a small notebook in my bag just for writing down the ideas I see. Some ideas I go home and create into the late hours of the evening, others I put on my to do list.
Since this picture I painted a number five on my apple crate and changed out the desk chair to my white cane chair. It's amazing what the smallest detail will do.
We are supposed to be painting our living room and hallway area white this Spring. I keep debating it. I like the rich mocha color. But I've always dreamed of a creamy white and shabby living room. My furniture is a deep olive-brown micro fiber. I would love to cover it in white slip covers but I think that it would be more cost effective to buy new furniture. That's not going to happen!
Until then I keep pondering how I can make my own slip covers out of white drop cloths. I'm not a sewer! HA!
I love my new grey washed Paris clock. Not much else to say. (sigh)
She makes me happy.
What makes you happy?
