From somebody's trash to my treasure. I like to re-style & re-create what was once a cast off. Isn't that what Jesus does with us?

Monday, September 24, 2012

To Market, To Market ...

Hello Everyone --
I've been feasting my eyes on wonderful fairytale blue/gray pumpkins, nubby, squat gray ones and tall, ridged orange ones. They are all so creative and wonderful to look at. But I didn't just look at the ones displayed in this wonderful farmers market  we visited in North Carolina recently. I brought some home. And some home made cider! Muscadine, in fact. Have you ever heard of Muscadine cider? I never have and it is so, so yummy!! YUM.ME. My honey also loved the blackberry cider we found there in the coolest vintage jugs. O SO CUTE!! Brought some of those home too!
Hands down one of the coolest places I've ever been in. The displays with old crates and wine barrels and wire baskets were so charming. They had vintage tractors throughout to display some of their goodies upon the seats. And did I mention you could sample EVERYTHING? Candy, nuts, cider, honey, crackers and on and on. Unashamedly we stopped again on our return trip home for more samples. We were not disappointed!
We'll be back again next year!!