From somebody's trash to my treasure. I like to re-style & re-create what was once a cast off. Isn't that what Jesus does with us?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer Memories

We have created some warm, fun summer memories this year. One of my favorite memories is this beautiful, antique chamber pot my grandma surprised me with. I placed it high up on my bedroom dresser to protect it from curious hands.
This vintage, white mirror was picked up from Out on a Whim a wonderful antique store in Leesburg, Virginia. I've always wanted a shabby mirror above my dresser and I finally found this one. I love the shape and patina. Someday I hope to find the perfect white, chippy dresser to go with it. First things first! 
And of course what would summer be without swimming? That is a vacation all its own. My girls enjoy every minute of it and hate to see the pool season come to a close.
I made some simple updates to our UGLY bathroom which has made a BIG difference. I'll have pictures soon. Also, this is our 9th wedding anniversary and my man is building me a night stand. I'm planning to paint it turquoise and distress it. Those pictures to come! 
Warm Summer Days my friends!