From somebody's trash to my treasure. I like to re-style & re-create what was once a cast off. Isn't that what Jesus does with us?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rice Noodles, Sushi and Chicken Teriyaki

Happy Summer, Friends!
It has been one fabulous summer so far. Not only has the sun been holding up to its end of the bargain with hot, sunny days, but my time has been wonderfully orchestrated this summer. It is of no merit of my own.
We've enjoyed our first camping trips this summer with friends and family. God blessed us with the most incredible "back yard view" on our second camping trip. I wish I had a picture to share. I think I was just so awe-struck with the lake shimmering through the tall pines that I never thought to get my camera!  Isn't that what camping is all about? Enjoying nature and relaxing? My girls had so much fun making new friends, and we were blessed to have neighboring campers with 5 girls!

We've also been blessed this summer to meet two girls from China. They stayed in our home for one week while on a one month American tour. They were so precious and reminded me of our Chinese "daughters" from last summer. One of the highlights of the trip was discovering that I could now skype with them in China. It's called a "qq" number. They were so happy to help us get set up to be able to communicate with them. We gave them Bibles and cartoon books in Chinese that they can later share with their families back home.

They also taught us a new appreciation for some of their Chinese foods, and hopefully they enjoyed some of ours!

Our summer has also been filled with day trips t to Hershey Gardens and the Butterfly House and countless trips to my brother's pool. I am so thankful for his pool!(and my brother!)

It's also been a great summer just because my Honey has been home every weekend to share it with me. This is our first summer in eight years that he has not played baseball on weekends.

I hope you are finding ways to enjoy your summer! Would love to hear what you've been up to! And how you have stayed cool!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Ni Hao!

Hello my dear friends --
I have been enjoying the busiest summer I can remember since kids! It started with a little idea to go camping, not once, but twice this summer. Then we returned home and my six year old decided she would like to have a talent show -- with all her friends. So we organized and "did all that." No sooner was that accomplished then it was time to pack up and head to the hills for more camping.
But just before we left for camping we received an urgent call from a friend that a bus full of Chinese students from the Hunan Province were coming to our area without a place to live for a week. Could two girls stay with us? OH YEAH!!! We had such a great time with our two Chinese students last year, that we couldn't wait to do it again. (although last year we had months to prepare...not hours!!)

Now as I sit here and type this, my girls and husband are anxiously wanting to know if I am ready to go to the pool on this unseasonably 102 degree day!! Another, Oh yeah!!

So here is where I will end for now .... so much more to write and tell later. Happy Summer!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Give Me Smores!!

Hello Summer Friends --
We are heading out camping again this weekend! It's our second time this season. I have to admit I am not looking forward to all the packing and cleaning up. BUT I am looking forward to the smores by the campfire.
 Isn't this picture just delightful? People are so clever!! I have the best recipe for smores!
It's a take on the "normal" version, but with a yummy twist.
Take half of a graham cracker and place 1/2 of a frozen chocolate bar on top. (It must be frozen and it must be half of the whole chocolate bar) Take a GIANT size roasted marshmallow and place on top. Then the graham cracker. Let me tell you ... when you bite into that frozen/hot combination of chocolate/marshmallow you'll never go back to the "normal" way again!
Try some this weekend!! I am!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunshine Wishes

Hello Summer Friends!
If there is one thing true of me, it is that I love summer!!  Summer for me is all about the sun!
It means feeling the bright yellow rays beating down upon my arms, hanging out the car window. It means running and playing outdoors without thought to jackets or hats. Summer is all about lazy days at the pool. Splashing and being splashed. Having water dumped on me, only to have it dried up quickly by summer's intense heat. Ahhhhh.....summer! I could meet you here everyday without regret for cooler temps.

Summer is meant for lounging in the hammock as the sun sets. Or roasting  marshmallows at a campsite. Summer moments are spontaneous. Impulsive. Brilliant. Does sunshine make anyone grumpy? I can't imagine.
The sun makes me happy! I fling my curtains back. Throw my windows wide! "Welcome sun. We are happy to have you for as long as you will stay! And then some"

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pretty Things

Sitting back today and enjoying some beautiful pictures ..... Thought you might enjoy seeing them too! Garden table scene from

Love this one from LLH Design. Reminds me of a setting in France. "Patisseries anyone?"
 Hope your day is filled with lovely things!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Red, White and Blue

Hello Friends!
I hope you all are having a wonderful July 4th celebration where you are! I found this great saying on Pinterest recently and thought I would share it!

After reading that I was thankful that my summer reading includes a book called, One Thousand Gifts. It's a poetical story that trace's the author's ups and downs through life and how she is overcoming it through thankfulness. It's by Ann Voskamp.

Have a great weekend!